
 Namaste' ~ 

"The Spirit in me honors in universal love, the Spirit in you"


Centering is meditation in action... staying in the Light. Centering means remaining in your calm inner center amidst the clamor of everyday life. Being centered means not allowing your Inner Light to be overshadowed by stressful circumstances or negative thoughts and emotions.

When you are centered you are in a state of clarity, peace, and balance. When you are not centered, you are unclear, stressed, off balance.

A good centering technique will require only minimal attention, allowing you to keep the majority of your attention on the activity at hand. Here are some very easy, very effective centering techniques.

Breath Awareness #1
While involved in whatever you are doing, bring some attention to your breathing... not your full attention... just enough to bring you back to your calm center. Breathe a little more slowly and deeply.


Breath Awareness #2
When feeling stressed, take several slow, deep breaths. With each in-breath, imagine you are pulling all of your scattered energy and attention back to your Self... your calm inner center. As you exhale, let go of all stress and negativity.


Inner Sun
Visualize a bright sun filling your heart chakra... the quiet, subtle energy field that permeates your chest area. Imagine the rest of your energy field as clear blue sky. When stressed thoughts or emotions arise, view them as clouds floating in that sky.

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