Crystals M - Z

 Namaste' ~ 

"The Spirit in me honors in universal love, the Spirit in you"


MARBLE: ready for new experiences, courage, - stuck in past beliefs, lethargy

MALACHITE: recognition of own values, - low self-worth, criticism

MOONSTONE: hormonal balance, vulnerability, - burdened, PMT etc., sexual confusion

MOLDAVITE: keeps one focused, on track, - addictions, agitations

OKENITE: forgiveness of self and others, understanding, - lethargy, depression, despair

PERIDOT: warmth, inner peace, confidence, - fear of ridicule, nervous tension

PREHNITE: strength, self acceptance - self torture, ridicule, hate

QUARTZ (single terminator): patience, choice, - rushing, unsure, flippant

QUARTZ (cluster): family harmony, oneness, - alienation, constant conflict

RAINBOW OBSIDIAN: joy, laughter, innocence, - unapproachable, obsessive

RED JASPER: duty, responsibility, - flighty, lackadasicle, non-committal

RHODONITE: intuition, surrender, spirituality, - blaming, worthlessness

ROSE QUARTZ: feeling alive, loving unconditionally, - insensitive, dull, insecure

RUBY: passion, insight, self-care, - lack of enthusiasm, lack lustre

SAPPHIRE: wholeness, self-esteem, - loneliness, not worthy, unlovable

SCOLECITE: quietens the mind, relaxed, calm nerves, - unease, stressed, insomniac

SMOKEY QUARTZ: ability to listen and absorb, - anger, self-doubt

SODALITE: humour, fun, joy, happiness, - criticism, feeling rejected

SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN: compassion, empathy, - harsh exterior, over protective

STILBITE: comfort, healing, gentleness, - long held pain, trauma, knot in stomach

SELENITE: psychic awareness, intuitive, - invalidated, misunderstood

TIGER EYE: self-reliance, trust, - easily influenced, lacking self-trust

TOPAZ: life is kind, I am safe, - end of job or relationship, fear of the unknown

TOURMALINE (Black): connection to higher self, dispels deep hurts,- shame, guilt, stuck in the past

TOURMALINE (Pink): sensitivity, innocence, - despair, too serious, inability to enjoy life

TURQUOISE: power, responsible for self. - feeling victimised, powerless

ZIRCON: continuity, balanced decision making, - scattered, lost, spiritually unsure.,


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